-- card: 4901 from stack: in. Update -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2733 -- name: Cross-Referencing -- part contents for background part 45 ----- text ----- Cross-Referencing -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Summary: The "option-click" cross-reference function has been improved (read: made faster). Usage: As before, when you hold down the option key and click on the keyword field, Programmer's Notebook will find all cards that reference that card. Installation: Get the script of background field 2 (on this card) and put it into background field 2 in your stack. Notes: The improvements takes advantage of certain features of the "Find" command, which means that the cursor will act oddly during the cross-referencing (it alternates between the "beach-ball" cursor and the "pointing hand" cursor)